Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > contemplative life and sutle Love > Page 4


gentle radiance

warming together by the Fire

Page 4

love is chosen ~ not by you ~
arises freely, spontaneously ~ you become the chosen of Love

when you live close
to Spirit

you will find yourself
feeling the manifestation of this freely flowing love ~
not merely as an emotion, rather as a subtle sense

flowing for persons even
you have never seen face-to-face

you may sense the 'afterglow' of meeting someone
by this love manifesting more after departure ~
it remains, warming 'inside' like a quiet, subtle fire

a reason for this can be
for likeness-meets-likeness

that is, there is a permeability of Grace alike
in you each, so Life freely shares with Life

still, the reason or reasons will never be known fully
and the mystery is best left mystery ~
simply receive, be grateful

so, love unchosen, being chosen by love
you feel the relief of not trying to love anyone, anything
trusting love will arise, you live open to share when it does

you discover love arising more frequently
for the effort to love was a hindrance
to being the conduit of the flowing of love

the more you are drawn out of self as body-mind, ego, person
the more this being-chosen happens

what to do with this,
when love arises?

there are no rules applying here in advance
of love happening, or when love happens ~
nothing to do or not to do prescribed

you may respond to love arising
by silently being present with it, not acting outwardly
or you may act outwardly to express it

love does not have to be expressed in an observable way,
for you to love
humans, generally, underestimate
the power of unobserved love

the arising of this love
may be the beginning of a life-time romance or friendship
may be only a single meeting filled with this Light

yet, even in one moment of this loving
Eternity shines and witnesses to its presence

this Eternity reminds us the deepest meaning in life
is love, and the way of Love is
surrendering to the Ineffable Beauty of Grace

surfaces aglow with Light

*Brian K. Wilcox. "surfaces aglow with Light." Flickr.

*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > contemplative life and sutle Love > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2024